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Is kindle worth it in 2024? Personal Review

Curious about whether a Kindle is worth the hype? I wondered the same thing.

There's something magical about cracking open a new paperback and inhaling that intoxicating scent of ink and paper, however, carrying an entire library within a slim device also has its benefit.

In this review i will give you my honest opinion wether kindle is really worth it (nope, I'm not an Amazon associate). Keep in mind this is my PERSONAL opinion about it, so don't take is a fact, the decision of whether having a Kindle is truly worth it is entirely subjective, but in this review, I'll lay out the pros and cons to help you make that call in your own life.

Is kindle worth it in 2024? Personal Review

Table of Contents:

  1. Kindle VS. Physical Books Pros and Cons

  2. Who Should and Who Shouldn't Get a Kindle

  3. Kindle x Ipad/Tablet

  4. How to use both kindle and physical books

  5. Conclusion


Let's get straight to the point and list the pros and cons of the Kindle.


  • Portability: Kindles are lightweight and compact, making them easy to carry around. You can have thousands of books at your fingertips without the bulk.

  • Large Storage Capacity: Kindles can store thousands of books, allowing you to build an extensive digital library without worrying about physical space.

  • Adjustable Text Size and Font: You can customize the text size and font on a Kindle, which is especially beneficial for people with visual impairments or those who prefer larger fonts for comfortable reading.

  • E-Ink Display: Kindles use E-Ink displays, which mimic the appearance of ink on paper. This reduces eye strain, especially during prolonged reading sessions, compared to reading on backlit screens.

  • Access to a Vast Library: With Kindle, you have access to a vast selection of e-books. You can easily purchase and download books directly from the Kindle Store.

  • You can enjoy any book without feeling insecure about its titles or cover.

  • You can simultaneously read several books without cluttering your desk or nightstand.

  • You can travel anywhere with an entire library in your hands, without the need to carry physical books.

  • No lamp is necessary to read at night; the low lighting conditions of the device are ideal for reading, even in darkness, without disturbing others nearby.

  • The duration of each chapter can provide an estimate of how long it will take you to read it.

  • Efficiently search for specific keywords with ease.


  • Initial Cost: While the cost of Kindles has decreased over the years, there is still an initial investment required to purchase the device. However, this cost may be offset by savings on e-books compared to physical books.

  • Dependency on Technology: Kindles require power to function, so if the battery runs out or if there are technical issues, you may not be able to access your library until the device is charged or repaired.

  • Limited Compatibility: Kindles primarily support e-books in the Amazon proprietary format (AZW), which may limit your ability to access books from other sources or in different formats. However, they do support some common formats like PDF and MOBI.

  • Lack of Physical Sensation: Some readers enjoy the tactile experience of holding a physical book, flipping pages, and feeling the texture of paper, which is lacking with a Kindle.

  • Dependency on Amazon Ecosystem: Kindle devices are tightly integrated with the Amazon ecosystem, which means you'll need an Amazon account to purchase and download eBooks. Some users may prefer more open platforms.

  • Risk of Device Malfunction: Like any electronic device, Kindles can experience malfunctions or technical issues over time, which could disrupt your reading experience.

2. Who Should and Who Shouldn't Get a Kindle

Who Should Get a Kindle

You are an avid reader who invests a significant amount of money in purchasing books.

  • If you're an avid reader who frequently buys books, a Kindle might just be your wallet's best friend. Kindle books typically come at a lower cost compared to their physical counterparts. Therefore, while the initial investment in a Kindle device may be higher, in the long run, it can lead to significant savings, especially for avid readers. Additionally, there is a plethora of free Kindle books available, and daily discounts further contribute to cost-effective book purchases. Overall, owning a Kindle allows you to access a wide range of titles at a fraction of the price typically found in traditional bookstores.

You're interested in additional features and functionalities.

  • If you're someone who craves added functionality in your reading experience, a Kindle can be what you are looking for. In addition to offering a simple reading experience, a Kindle provides various extra functionalities. You can adjust font sizes, highlight passages, take notes, and even look up definitions on the fly. Plus, many Kindle models come with built-in features like dictionaries, translation tools, and access to online resources, expanding the possibilities of how you engage with your reading material.

You Need Increased Mobility/ You travel a lot

  • If mobility is a priority for you, especially if you have upper limb limitations, a Kindle could be a game-changer.The lightweight design of a Kindle alleviates this issue, providing greater ease of use for a diverse range of users. Furthermore, the capacity to store multiple books on a single device facilitates traveling with minimal bulk and eliminates the hassle of searching for specific titles in various locations. Additionally, the Kindle's bright screen and adjustable text size accommodate individuals with different visual requirements.

Who Shouldn't Get a Kindle

You Don't Read Much

  • If reading isn't really your thing, then a Kindle might not be the gadget for you. Unlike other tablets that offer a myriad of functions like web browsing, gaming, and streaming, a Kindle is solely dedicated to the joy of reading. Sure, you can listen to audiobooks on it too, but its primary focus remains on delivering an exceptional reading experience, whether it's through books, magazines, or documents you transfer onto the device. So, if you're not much of a bookworm, you might find better value in a more versatile tablet that caters to a wider range of interests and activities.

You are a college students hoping to save money on textbooks

  • If you're a college student looking to cut costs on textbooks, a Kindle might not be the best choice for you. While it's true that digital textbooks are often cheaper than their physical counterparts, the functionality of a Kindle might not fully meet the demands of academic reading. Unlike flipping through pages and quickly skimming text in a physical book, navigating through a digital text on a Kindle can be less intuitive and efficient, despite the ability to search for keywords. If ease of use and quick access to information are priorities for your study habits, you may find that sticking with traditional textbooks or exploring other digital reading platforms better suits your needs.

You reading primarily for a book club

  • If you're reading primarily for a book club or any activity that involves discussions and referencing specific pages, using a Kindle might pose some challenges. While the convenience of carrying multiple books in a single device is undeniable, finding and referencing specific paragraphs or pages can be quite cumbersome, especially during discussions or study sessions. In such scenarios, sticking with physical books might be more conducive to productive and efficient discussions.

3. Kindle x Ipad/Tablet

I've always wondered why people choose to spend money on a Kindle rather than opting for a tablet or an iPad straight away. So, I did some research, and here's a breakdown comparing the two:


  1. E-ink Display: Kindles use e-ink displays, which mimic the appearance of physical paper and are easier on the eyes for long reading sessions. This reduces eye strain compared to the backlit screens of tablets.

  2. Battery Life: Kindles typically have much longer battery life compared to tablets. Some Kindles can last weeks on a single charge, making them ideal for avid readers who don't want to worry about frequent recharging.

  3. Dedicated Reading Experience: Kindles are designed solely for reading, providing a distraction-free environment. They lack the notifications and other apps that might interrupt reading on a tablet.

  4. Sunlight Readability: E-ink displays perform well in direct sunlight, unlike tablets which can suffer from glare and reduced visibility outdoors.

  5. Price: Kindles are generally more affordable than iPads/tablets, making them a cost-effective option for those primarily interested in reading.


  1. Multifunctionality: iPads and tablets offer a wide range of functionalities beyond reading, including web browsing, email, gaming, video streaming, productivity apps, and more. They serve as versatile multimedia devices.

  2. Color Display: Unlike Kindles, tablets have color displays, making them suitable for reading comics, magazines, textbooks, and other content that benefits from color visuals.

  3. App Ecosystem: Tablets have access to extensive app stores, providing users with a vast selection of reading apps, including Kindle, Apple Books, Nook, and others. Users can also access audiobooks, interactive content, and social features.

  4. Backlit Display: While backlit displays can cause eye strain during extended use, they offer the advantage of reading in low-light conditions without an external light source, unlike e-ink displays.

  5. Screen Size and Resolution: Tablets typically have larger screens with higher resolutions compared to Kindles, offering a better experience for multimedia content and graphic-intensive reading materials.

In summary, if your primary focus is on reading books, especially for extended periods, and you prefer a device with long battery life and minimal distractions, a Kindle might be the better choice. However, if you're looking for a multifunctional device that can handle various tasks beyond reading, and you don't mind the potential for eye strain during long reading sessions, an iPad or tablet may better suit your needs.

4. How to use both kindle and physical books

Perhaps after considering the points outlined in this review, you might find yourself thinking, "A Kindle could meet my needs, but I still prefer the experience of reading a traditional book." Well, guess what? You can have the best of both worlds.

If you crave the flexibility of a Kindle but still cherish the tactile pleasure of holding a physical book, you can easily integrate both into your reading routine. Simply reserve your physical books for cozy evenings at home, where you can curl up with a cup of tea and immerse yourself in the comforting familiarity of paper and ink. And when you're on the go, whether commuting to work or traveling, switch over to your Kindle for the ultimate convenience and portability. This way, you get to enjoy the unique joys of both mediums without having to compromise.

5. Conclusion

Ultimately, whether a Kindle is worth it for you depends on your individual preferences and needs. However, there are two main reasons why you might consider investing in a Kindle:


if you are someone who reads a lot and by that i mean a LOT a kindle could be a good purchase because you'll likely save money in the long run, as Kindle books are often cheaper than physical copies. Plus, you'll save space since you won't need to store all the books you acquire physically.


If you have issues with lighting conditions, a Kindle could be a perfect solution. It provides optimal lighting for reading, which might be preferable if you dislike the glare from phones, tablets, laptops, or even the need for a lamp when reading physical books at night.

My PERSONAL opinion

In my personal opinion and for my specific lifestyle, I prefer using a tablet or iPad instead of a Kindle, and here's why:

While I have a preference for physical books over digital ones, there are times when having a digital device is essential for mobility, work, and studies. However, due to the limitations of the Kindle, I find it more beneficial to invest in a tablet or iPad. These devices offer more features and encompass all the functionalities of the Kindle that I would use. This aligns better with my needs. Additionally, when I don't require these additional features, I'm content with reading physical books, and I'm willing to pay a bit more for them since I don't purchase a large number of books each month.


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